Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Movie Garb

Clark Kent's glasses, those Dumb and Dumber suits, Top Gun's patched leather bombers--they nearly defined the movies they were in. These scraps of costume clothing are iconic and instantly recognizable. Illustrators James Alexander Mathers and Andrew Lau of ad team Moxie Creative reimagined movie posters for classic films starring their sartorial breakouts. The project was completed for men's style site Every Guyed, which is very stylin' indeed.

You can purchase your own prints of the posters for a very chic $30 including shipping. Visit Moxie Creative's site to do so.

Just for good measure, I present to you one of the best scenes of cinema history--the business card scene in American Psycho, the ultimate style pissing match:

American Psycho -- Business Card Scene from Vimeo.

Posters spotted on the ever-wonderful/funny/brilliant The Daily What, which you should all follow immediately.

1 comment:

Bex said...

These are incredible, so iconic! Thanks for sharing.