Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Love the Love, Fight the H8

It goes without saying that the fashion industry, like every single other industry in the universe, would be nothing without it's amazing contingent of gay talent. But, that has little to do with my fervent support of protesting the passage of Prop 8 and other measures recently passed with the sole purpose of limiting the rights of gay people. It is mind blowing that this discrimination can still exist today. Love is love and I can't wait to lovingly scream my lungs out in support of it at the national Prop 8 Protest being held this Saturday, November 15th at various locations throughout the country. Check out the Join the Impact website for the rally point nearest you. I'll be at City Hall at 260 Broadway, NYC. Join me and bring all of your friends. My gay friends and family should not be second class citizens. If we can elect Barack Obama to the White House, we can let love rule.

What does one need for a H8 protest? Get your rainbow on.

Click on any image above for details and ordering information.

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