Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fun with Google Translator!

Are you bored behind your computer screen? Are you wishing for a chuckle inducing diversion? I know you are! By all means, leave it to me to come up with one for you. Fun finding happens to be one of my most highly developed skills. So please, won't you join me in a little game I like to call "Fun with Google Translator!"?

The first step is to head on over to the amazing French street style site, Garance Dore. This is the mecca of chic French fashion chicks from the mecca of chic French fashion, so it's like the holy grail of style sites. Once you recover from seeing the predictably gorgeous, effortlessly elegant girl of the day featured on the website (like Anabel and Julia here below)

mouse on over to the right of the screen and click on the link that says "Google Translate Can Be Funny: Click here for the English Translation". Let the invisible electronic Google Gnomes do their magic and voila! Instant hilarity. Here's a sample of what the Gnomes will come up with for the presumably beautiful French phrases that Garance Dore has put out into the virtual world:

"Yet, I loved Dior was gay, I strong and want a tutu-dress-in fact we all want dresses tutu, tutu skirts, micro-skirts Fly tutu, I'm too too fan of tenunue following dessussus, I want my tutuuuuu!

I want my tutu too! Makes about as much sense as a stammering Sarah Palin. Have fun!

Image: Garance Dore

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